Financial Security

Financial Security Tax tips every international student should know

Navigating tax season:

Financial Security Trying a student-friendly budget method

Money talk:

Financial Security How to start investing with $1,000

Your student-friendly financial guide:

Financial Security IGNITE receives $500,000 toward work-integrated learning opportunities 

Boosting support to relieve financial burdens:

Financial Security Meet the 2024 IGNITE Pride Scholarship recipients

Drum roll, please:

Financial Security Top places that offer student discounts

Saving some cash always feels great:

Financial Security Here are the 2024 IGNITE Black Excellence Scholarship recipients

Meet the students:

Financial Security Discover the best well-being and financial advice from IGNITE staff

It’s never too early or too late to learn how to manage your life Whether you just starting out your post-secondary journey or you’re about to graduate, getting your life…

Financial Security Q&A with IGNITE's Indigenous scholarship winners

Making dreams come true. IGNITE’s annual Indigenous Scholarship, administered in partnership with Humber’s Indigenous Education & Engagement (IE&E), seeks to help support our Indigenous students who often face a unique set…

Financial Security De-influencing 101: stopping overconsumption

You may want to hop on this TikTok trend.

Financial Security The financial perks of being a student

Your wallet doesn’t need to suffer.

Financial Security 5 books to read to increase your financial literacy

Take control of your finances

Financial Security Student discounts that can help you save a few bucks!

Extra money for food!

Financial Security Humber/UofGH students: IGNITE your budget priorities

Plan your upcoming school year budget with these budgeting tips.

Financial Security Here are some tips for applying for scholarships and grants

Everything you need to know

Financial Security Announcing the winners of the IGNITE Pride Scholarship

Meet the winners!

Financial Security Everything students need to know about repaying an OSAP loan

Preparation is key.

Financial Security Student spending 101 with finance expert Michael Thorpe

When to splurge? When to save? He has the answers.

Financial Security 5 ways students struggle with money — and how to fix them

Debunking your banking.

Financial Security IGNITE increases financial support for Humber and UofGH students

Here for you when you need it most.

Financial Security IGNITE devotes $250,000 to bursaries for international students

Making academia accessible.

Financial Security Eight places you didn't know offer student discounts

Budget-friendly burgers, anyone?

Financial Security IGNITE commits $250,000 to the Humber College Support our Students (SOS) Fund

You spoke, we listened.

Financial Security Here's everything I learned from Rob Carrick's presentation on personal finance


Financial Security 5 ways you can use your IGNITE bursary

Spend smart!

Financial Security 5 ways to make money when you're an unpaid intern

Discover unique ways to make money when you're an unpaid intern

Financial Security Back-to-school money saving tips

Find out how you can save money this school year by following our 6 simple tips!

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