Supported from all sides.
Going to Humber or UofGH is like finding a prize in a cereal box.

You thought you signed up for frosted crispy wheat, dried fruit and marshmallows – which is great enough on its own – but, as you’re enjoying what you came for, you find out there are even more perks to your purchase!
Similarly, Humber and UofGH students get access to a number of exclusive perks on top of a great education. Just like how finding a prize at breakfast made your childhood morning a million times better, the bonuses your school offers are designed to make your student life a million times easier – so you can direct more of your energy to crushing your classes and constructing your career.
Grab a bowl and a spoon – let’s dive in to your school’s cereal box and check out 10 perks you might not have known you get as a Humber or UofGH student:
1. You get free homework help
Humber’s Math and Writing Centre is your one-stop-shop for all things essay writing, research, learning languages and business calculations. When you pay it a visit, expert tutors will provide you with one-on-one guidance for any math- or writing-related aspects of your classes.

The Math and Writing Centre operates from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday and 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday. It’s currently offering all of its services virtually and most time slots are allocated by appointment – you can book yours at
If you need help booking an appointment or have additional questions about the Math and Writing Centre’s services, visit its virtual front desk during normal hours of operation or send an email to [email protected] or [email protected].
2. You get to see your favourite celebs live
Whether it’s to start the new semester with a smash, ring in the new year or, sometimes, just for the heck of it, IGNITE regularly welcomes some of today’s most successful public figures to campus.
Why? Because we want you to get career advice from the very best – and because student life is better with a bit of fun.

3. You get free menstrual products
IGNITE believes access to menstrual products should be equitable, uncomplicated and destigmatized. So, we offer free menstruation kits in campus bathrooms and outside our offices.
The next time your cycle sneaks up on you, don’t stress – we’ve got you.

4. You get expert advice for finding jobs and internships
Humber’s Career Centre offers one-on-one career advising, an exclusive job portal and resumé, cover letter and LinkedIn profile editing to all Humber and UofGH students and recent grads. It also provides career coaching – to help you decipher the career path that’s right for you – and employment advice catered specifically for Indigenous and disabled students.
The Career Centre is currently operating entirely online. To see how you can access the services you need in this virtual environment, head to the Career Services Updates page. Alternatively, book an appointment through the Career Centre website.

5. You get free counselling
Exam stress, relationship struggles, social pressure. Everyone’s student journey comes with unique difficulties that can cause distress – and you shouldn’t have to hold it in. So, Humber’s Student Wellness and Accessibility Centre (SWAC) provides free, confidential counselling to all Humber and UofGH students.
Currently, the SWAC’s counsellors are connecting with students via Zoom between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. You can make an appointment by emailing [email protected]. Alternatively, North campus students can call 416-675-5090 and Lakeshore campus students can call 416-675-6622 ext. 3331.
Not into Zoom counselling? No worries – check out the SWAC’s other mental health services.

6. You get help handling your disagreements
Psst! Here’s a secret: many sought-after employment skills aren’t taught in class. Among them is conflict resolution – like, what do you do when you’re the only one putting in work for your group project again? Or when your roommate continually leaves a sink full of dirty dishes for you to wash when you get home?
You can settle your strifes and develop valuable conflict management skills all at once with help from IGNITE’s Dispute Resolution Clinic (DRC). No matter the cause of or contributors to your issues, the DRC’s guides will walk you through proven mediation techniques to respectfully work through them – so, when you’re out in the workplace, you can apply them on your own.
The DRC is currently offering its services virtually and you can book your free 30-minute appointment through SimplyBook. Time slots are available on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. or on Fridays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

7. You can earn money on campus
It’s no secret student life is expensive. IGNITE offers emergency financial relief and scholarships to help lessen the load on your wallet – but we also take things on step further with paid student positions.
When you work with IGNITE, you gain relevant career experience while you study, work around your classes, connect with peers from different programs and, of course, get paid. We currently have copious open positions for the Fall 2021 semester – submit your resume to secure yours!
Plus, jobs for students at Humber and UofGH exist all over. Head to Humber’s career portal to apply for positions at other on-campus associations!

8. You get your taxes done for free
The last thing you need during finals season is more homework. So, every spring, IGNITE hooks you up with CRA-trained accounting students to do your taxes free at our Tax Clinic! When you book an appointment with the Tax Clinic, you get your tax return prepared for you – so you can focus on your other responsibilities – and you help your fellow students in accounting programs gain valuable career experience. It’s a win-win.
The Tax Clinic serves both domestic and international students and will reopen for the next tax season in March 2022.

9. You get many of your medical needs covered
For your career to thrive, your physical health needs to too. So, when you pay the IGNITE Health and Dental fee with your tuition, we provide coverage towards prescription medication, vision care, dentistry, accidents, and travel expenses through IGNITE’s Flexible Health and Dental Insurance Plan. You get the care you need; IGNITE fronts most of the bill. Simple as that.
For a complete overview of your insurance benefits, to download your benefits card, choose your plan or file a claim, head to
The perks don’t stop there, though. You can also add your spouse and children to your IGNITE insurance plan – just go to and select “Family Opt-In” under “Choose Your Plan”.
Already covered under another insurance plan? No problem – we just want your medical needs covered, no matter who’s paying for them. If you have alternative coverage, you can opt out of all – or only the prescription portion – of your IGNITE insurance by completing the form under the “Opt-out” tab on
The period during which you can opt in your family members or opt out of your IGNITE insurance starts Wednesday, Sept. 1 and ends Friday, Oct. 15. However, be sure to review your benefits before making any changes to your coverage – once you opt out or opt someone else in, you can’t undo your decision until next year.

Free counselling, free tutoring, money for medicine. How’s that for a cereal box prize?
We promise we’re not biased – but we think being a part of IGNITE is a pretty big perk. After learning what we do, you will too.
Follow IGNITE on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for all things student life.