Because so much happened in just 14 weeks.
And just like that, the fall 2023 semester has come to an end. As we approach the much-needed winter break, it’s time to reminisce.
Looking back, this semester was a memorable one for all of us at IGNITE — from job fairs to an epic concert exclusively for Humber College and University of Guelph-Humber students, the events have been exciting and put a spring in our step.
As we bid farewell to the semester, let’s take a moment to revisit some of the unforgettable events we hosted for you. Here are some of our favourites:
Speed Friending

Making new friends in your first year of higher education can tricky (extra tricky that if you also just packed your life into a few pieces of luggage and just moved here!) We get it — that’s why we hosted Speed Friending!
The event was organized at the Lakeshore and North campuses on Aug. 31 and Sept. 1, respectively, and was all about making new friends and maybe even finding your future bestie!
Students were paired up for 25 minutes of dynamic activities, and we organized various icebreakers to get the conversations going. They also struck poses in our photo booth and had the chance to win an 11-inch iPad Pro and a smart keyboard.
Last year, Mariana Ferreira met one of her best friends through Speed Friending!
So, don’t miss out on the chance to make new friends. Keep an eye out for our next Speed Friending event in January 2024 — more details will be announced soon!
Walk for Reconciliation

Sept. 30 marked the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, a day to honour the survivors of the Residential School system and remember the children who never returned home.
Just a few days before that, on Sept. 25, the Lakeshore campus was packed with vibrant orange shirts. Students and IGNITE and Humber staff walked together to spread awareness about the Residential School system and its lasting impacts on Indigenous communities.
IGNITE is committed to increasing awareness of Indigenous history and culture among our Humber and UofGH communities.
You can learn more about the Indigenous markings around our campuses and explore Kelly Boutsalis’ journey as an Indigenous storyteller in our recent articles!
IGNITE Concert

You’re not alone in this boat, we also miss the energy-packed, electric IGNITE Concert!
Hearing Mariah the Scientist’s soulful voice and feeling the hype with Rich the Kid, now that was a night we’ll never forget.
Our biggest event of the year was nothing less than a blast, and we cannot wait for next year’s concert!
Want to relive the vibe from the concert? Take our quiz and see what Mariah the Scientist or Rich the Kid song your music twin is!
Real Talks

Liza Koshy left us truly spellbound and speechless at our exclusive Real Talks event.
Held on the North campus, Liza had electrifying chat with our Humber and UofGH students. She talked about career success and her journey in the world of content creation, undoubtedly inspiring all those aspiring creators among us! Most importantly, she discussed burnout and how crucial is to understand that, sometimes, it’s okay to slow down and take a break.
Our IGNITE content writing team got the chance to speak with Liza in a one-on-one interview, where she shared her experience in career management, time management and so much more!
If you enjoyed IGNITE’s Real Talks, don’t forget to follow our socials to keep up with all the fun we have in store for you. We’ve got another exciting Real Talks coming up in the winter semester!
Clubs Fair

We mentioned that making friends in college can be challenging, but finding people who share your passions can be even harder.
But don’t worry, IGNITE hosts a Clubs Fair for you to discover clubs on campus and find your tribe. Plus, you can chat with the club leaders and see if that’s your jam.
From chess to rocketry, we’ve got tons of clubs for you to pick from. Joining a club is your ticket to connecting with people who love the same things you do while having fun outside the classroom.
Have an idea for a club that’s not on our list? Don’t be shy, start your club today! Starting a club has many benefits and you can find people who are just as into it as you are.
Take our quiz to see what IGNITE club you should join based on your personality!

We can’t wait to make more unforgettable memories with you next semester and we have a ton of exciting events planned just for you!
Don’t forget to keep an eye on our Instagram and Tik Tok to stay in the loop about all the cool stuff we have coming up!
Is this your first winter in Canada? Here are eight tips to handle it like a pro!
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok for all things student life.