Bringing everyone together, from home

IGNITE and your Student Engagement Coordinators have been working together to bring you Ignition Point – a new video series designed with you in mind.
With different features every episode, Ignition Point is your series to watch for fun activities to try from home, career tips and lots of laughs.
We caught up with the SECs and got to know their experience filming Ignition Point. Check out what they had to say below!
What was it like working on a project like Ignition Point during a pandemic?
Erika: Everyone was responsible and took the necessary safety precautions to not only keep themselves safe but extended that to everyone they came across. This included pre-screening forms, temperature checks and enforcing the use of masks indoors. They also had a designated “Covid police” on set to ensure that everyone was following these protocols.
Camila: Working on Ignition Point during the pandemic was definitely challenging but a lot of fun. I feel that since we are in a remote environment, it was interesting to see what ideas we came up with for students to try out from home. The fun part was definitely seeing everyone’s different ideas.
Julia: It created an opportunity to film segments from the comfort of our own homes by self-recording and sending in clips. I soon came to realize how much work and planning goes into projects such as these. It took dozens of takes to get the perfect clip for each segment in the series. The director, lighting, sound and video professionals work tirelessly to ensure that the “right” shot is taken. Overall, I had an amazing time filming this series and felt so inspired along the way!

What was your favourite moment and the biggest lesson learned from the series?
Erika: My favourite moment was seeing simple ideas be brought to life by the team. It was important that the series covered all of the services available, upcoming events and useful tips and tricks for students to utilize during these times, all while making it engaging.
My biggest lesson learned is the importance of stepping out of your comfort zone. All in all, don’t knock it ‘til you try it!
Camila: My favourite moment was definitely filming the cooking session with my fellow SECs. Although we were all nervous to film since we are not food experts, we all made it fun, and definitely played around with it to make it as entertaining as possible.
The biggest lesson I’ve learned from the series is that there is a lot of ways to provide students with effective resources, supports, DIY’s, and tips and tricks, to succeed in a remote environment.
Julia: Each segment created new opportunities to share tools and resources with students, while also being able to connect with students and listen to their stories. Each segment allowed me to hear these outstanding stories firsthand and I cannot wait for the rest of the students to get inspired too!

Can you share a funny behind the scenes story?
Erika: I’m not sure if anyone realized but during the cooking challenge, Julia kept referring to snow peas as green beans. The production team didn’t correct her until the very end, so she used the term with confidence. After her session was done, we informed her that they were actually snow peas and she had the funniest reaction. It was a healthy mix of surprise and embarrassment that was just priceless. Since then, if anyone is in need of a good laugh, just say green beans and you’re guaranteed to get a chuckle.
Camila: The funniest behind the scenes story definitely has to be watching Julia do her cooking session, simply because she was so confused as to what to do in the kitchen. So Erika and I were in another room watching and laughing because Julia did not know the difference between snow peas and green beans, and essentially she was nervous for the chef to try her dish.
Julia: Now that most have you have seen episode one, you probably saw my interesting experience cooking with okra. The final edit didn’t include my organic reaction when Chef Rudi announced the secret ingredient: okra. Both Erika and Camila were excited to cook with okra since they were familiar with it. However, my first reaction was, “What is this? A cucumber? A zucchini?” Until that day, I had no idea what okra was or how to cook with it. I’m a hardcore Italian, so everyone was laughing when I decided to make okra pasta, a really taboo dish according to Chef Rudy. If you need someone to make you lasagna, chicken parmigiana or pasta, I’m your girl! Anything else… you might have to ask Erika or Camila.

If you had to tell students to try ONLY one of the activities you all mastered, which would it be?
Erika: I would recommend that students utilize food-saving tips. We all know that grocery bills can add up so taking steps to reduce your own food waste can not only cut costs but has a positive impact on the environment! #sustainableliving 😊
Camila: Students should definitely try cooking! It’s amazing what you can come up with when you throw together your favourite ingredients and are having fun in the kitchen. I feel cooking is definitely a way to find your creative side, as well as a way to practice self-care, and of course, to ensure you are not starving yourself!
Julia: I would recommend experimenting with cooking! Cooking with okra really opened my eyes to the different types of foods and the great meals that you can create with them. Not only is cooking your own food healthier and cheaper than ordering it out, but you also feel a sense of pride when you make a mouth-watering meal!

What is the biggest takeaway from this experience that you’d like to share with students?
Erika: Your physical and mental health should be your top priority above all. With all that has been going on, it is okay to take a break and focus on your wellbeing.
Camila: Take advantage of the supports and resources that are provided to you by IGNITE, Humber and UofGH! There is so much available for students, whether it be workshops, tv-series, events, giveaways, supports, tips, and more!
Julia: Always strive to do your best. When speaking with Andre, an entrepreneur and UofGH alum, I learned that making an idea come to life is hard work; dedication and resilience are key. The process is definitely difficult, but once you set your mind to something, do not give up on your dreams.
If you haven’t already, make sure to check out Ignition Point Episode 1 and 2 today!
Looking for more motivation? Our interview with Justin Kan can help set you up for career success.
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