You have finally secured your ideal work-integrated learning opportunity, only to find out it's unpaid. IGNITE believes no one should miss out on great chances due to financial reasons. Apply online for the IGNITE GLOW Bursary today!

Special Meeting of the Members

Run by students, for students, we’re committed to ensuring you stay in the loop about everything your student union is doing for you. Transparency is one of our core principles – we’re open about our services, our finances and we value your feedback.


Walk for Reconciliation

Since 2021, Sept. 30 has been recognized as the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, a day dedicated to remembering the children who never returned home and honouring the Survivors…

Insurance Coverage Opt Out Period

Health insurance is a financial safety net that helps you, as a student, manage the cost of healthcare so that you can focus on your studies worry-free. By paying your student insurance fee each semester, you are automatically enrolled in the IGNITE Health and Dental Insurance Plan. This plan provides extended coverage for items and services including dental, vision and prescriptions, which are not covered under OHIP or your international OHIP alternative plan (Morcare).

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