Your passion project could be the next big hit!
We all know that friend who is forever writing a screenplay. Or—maybe we’re that friend who spends their work break coming up with new ideas and murmuring about how it’s “almost done.”
Everyone has a passion project—whether it be a film, animation, or your comedy night stand-up. Sometimes it seems like it’ll never be finished. After all, you’ve got so many things on your plate: school, work and internships.
But here’s a sign telling you directly, don’t abandon your passion project. Here’s why you should keep working on it even while in school!
It’s a productive break

Sure, you could spend your free time binging Netflix and watching TikTok. But working on your passion project doesn’t even feel like work!
Seriously, though. I can’t answer short questions on Nietzsche but suddenly I can write a thesis-length stand-up for when Netflix buys my one-hour comedy special? Sigh.
It’s a nice break alternative that will keep you motivated. Tell yourself:
I can edit my short film after I study for my test.
And suddenly you’re studying twice as hard. You ace your test with flying colours and how do you celebrate? That’s right—working on your passion project!
It shows off your progress

Your passion project may or may not be related to your studies. If it is, it’s a chance to practice skills that will be useful in your career. Either way, a project lets you see where you began and where you’re headed.
You’ve likely had a couple of passion projects—some finished and some forever unfinished. It’s satisfying to look back and see proof of your time, dedication and improvement. It’s important to recognize accomplishments that aren’t purely academic or career related.
So, as embarrassing as they might be—don’t throw out your older projects. Keep improving, one day they could be in a museum!
It stands out on your resume

A passion project can be a conversation point on your resume or added to the hobby section. Plus, it helps develop valuable skills like creativity and planning.
Consider the technical skills involved in your project that also apply to your industry, like video editing software and Photoshop. Talking about your project can demonstrate perseverance and help lead an interview into how you will bring that work ethic into your job.
Your project can also be a great conversation starter while networking! (As long as you ask about their projects as well!)
It has potential

Investing in your passion can be fulfilling on its own. However—you never know where life will take you. Who’s to say your passion project won’t take off or lead to a bigger opportunity down the road?
There are new jobs that didn’t exist 10 years ago that have taken off. Not to mention the popularity of streaming, esports and social media management.
Dream about your film on the big screen? Performing in concert halls? Well then, it all starts with the first steps! Don’t set aside your passion project—work on it little by little.
Add it to your portfolio, mention it in the right context and keep an eye out for the opportunity to let it shine. IGNITE believes in you!
Your project can lead to unexpected opportunities! Just like how these 7 celebs used their education in surprising ways.
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