“Ordinary people think merely of spending time, great people think of using it.”

Arthur Schopenhauer

Winter is here and it’s almost the holiday season! With that comes a lot of free time, at least we hope that’s the case. So, what will you do? Simple!

Enjoy your holiday break!

Not sure where to start? We have a couple of suggestions, whether you’re looking to be productive or looking to recharge.

Wrap up any remaining work

wrap up remaining works GIF

One of the most constructive ways to spend any holiday is to complete your pending tasks. So, if you have any assignments, long-pending errands or something waiting on your to-do list, now is the time to finish them off.

Earn some extra cash

Cash, dollar expression by Rihanna

Who doesn’t need some extra bucks in their pocket?

Look for seasonal or part-time jobs near you and boost your holiday funds. If you don’t want to work during holidays, updating your resume and sending applications for summer internships is another way to be productive.

Improve your physical health

gotta stay healthy during holiday GIF

Make healthy choices.

Whether it’s joining a yoga class, resting your body, or drinking more water, everything counts if it contributes to your health and well-being.

So, start this holiday!  

Take time for yourself

Taking time for yourself this holiday GIF

Take a deep breath and do so often, as life can sometimes be stressful. Utilize this break to do what makes you happy and calm. Whether going out in the sun, sitting under the night sky, sketching, or reading a book, make sure to recharge yourself before the next semester begins.   

Reconnect with friends and family

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During the holidays there is no pressure to complete class assignments or study for exams. So, let your loved ones know that you are thinking of them this holiday season. Send them lovely texts or letters, and call or visit them if you have the time. Spend some time together because little things mean a lot!

There you have it! A few different ways you can spend your holiday break! Whatever you choose, we hope you enjoy the time off.

Header photo courtesy of Marina from Unsplash.

Want to know how to relieve that college stress? Here’s the secret.

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