Friendships built to last
Over the years we’ve seen hundreds of iconic tv and movie friendships and let’s be honest, as much as we love our friends, sometimes these on-screen friendships can make us feel a little envious. But, don’t forget you can also have amazing friendships like these!
Often people stop making friends as adults, but if you take a look at these iconic friendships, you’ll see that this doesn’t have to be the case. In fact, you’re likely to make some of your best and longest-lasting friendships when you’re a little older as you solidify your interests and hobbies and find people whose values align with yours. What often holds us back from making friends when we’re adults is the lack of opportunity to meet new people.
Well, not to worry because IGNITE is here with the perfect opportunity. We’re hosting our very first Speed Friending event on both our North and Lakeshore campuses from Tuesday, Sept. 6 to Friday, Sept. 9 between 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m so you to meet your next best friend!
Keep reading to find out more details and get inspired to make new friends by checking out this list of five fictional friendships we envy:
The crew from Friends

We can’t talk about friendship goals without talking about this iconic friend group. Whether you’re a part of a big group like this or have an iconic best friend like Monica, Rachel, Joey, Chandler, Ross or Phoebe, you’ll agree that their friendship is one of the best on-screen friendships we’ve ever seen.
M.A.G.I.C from Grey’s Anatomy

Another iconic TV friend group includes Meredith, Alex, George, Izzy and Christina from the early seasons of Grey’s Anatomy. Not only was their friendship relatable when they started as interns and had no idea what they were doing, but also as they grew and stood by each other through all the rough patches. We sure miss this magical group from the show!
Sherlock Holmes and John Watson

The amazing duo of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson is what all mystery TV series need. From covering each other’s back to having endless fun (and fights) while solving mysteries together is what makes these two ultimate partners.
Dory and Marlin from Finding Nemo

Let’s be honest, what is there NOT to like about Dory and Marlin? Dory shows up when Marlin needed someone the most and sticks with him on his journey to find his son, Nemo. Even when they are separated, Dory helps Nemo and Marlin reunite. Even though her memory may not be the most reliable, we could all use a friend like Dory.
Abbi and Ilana from Broad City

From their multiple adventures in NYC to their very relatable Skype calls, Abbi and Ilana are friendship goals through and through. Even though they each have their own struggles, they are always there to help each other out, no matter how weird the situation is. Sometimes that’s all we need, friends that never judge you.
Meet your next best friend at our Speed Friending event!
Do you want friendships like these? We got you. Participate in IGNITE’s Speed Friending event happening this fall where we’ll help you meet your peers and make new friends.
The event will include speed friending activities including games with a chance to win prizes!
When and where?
The IGNITE Speed Friending event is taking place at both our North and Lakeshore campuses during the first week of school, from Tuesday, Sept. 6 to Friday, Sept. 9 between 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. This way you can pick the date and time that works best for you!
If you’re joining us at the North Campus, head over to the Student Centre and if you’re joining us at the Lakeshore campus we’ll see you at the K Building!
Head over to our event page to book your 45-minute timeslot for your preferred date and time!
Whether it’s for adventures during college or dealing with challenges later in life, we all need friends we can rely on. So, join us at our Speed Friending event and meet your next best friend!
Nervous about meeting new people? Here are 10 ways to spark conversation with anyone on campus.
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