The old student experience can’t come to the phone right now. Why? Oh, cause we’re making a difference.
Calling all Humber and UofGH students! Is there something you want to improve about student life? Let’s hear about it!
The Humber and UofGH experience has been passed down from student generation to generation. Student life today is thanks to the students who came before us and made the changes they wanted to see.
Here’s five students who used their voice to make a difference!
Amna Arif — Community Social Services APR
Third-year | UofGH | Community Social Services

As an Academic Program Representative (APR), Amna Arif is passionate about advocating for CSS students. She works to bridge the gap between the faculty and students.
Arif set up the @ghcssapr Instagram page for CSS students. She uses the platform to provide program updates and keep in contact with students. And, Arif collects and presents all student feedback at curriculum meetings with the program head and faculty. This is just part of how Arif contributes to the Guelph-Humber community as the CSS APR.
Damen Bell — 2021 TBTN Committee Member
Third-year | UofGH | Media and Communication Studies

Damen Bell was the representative for UofGH Student Life on the 2021 Take Back the Night (TBTN) committee.
TBTN is an initiative that seeks to support those who have been affected by and protest against sexual violence. As a member, Bell assisted in coordinating an Instagram live and the social media efforts for TBTN as well as helped inform students of resources offered by Humber and Guelph-Humber.
More than 100 students, staff and faculty attended Humber’s 6th annual TBTN march. All thanks to the collaborative effort and initiative of the representatives from Humber’s various services departments.
Shay Hamilton — Chairperson of IGNITE
Humber College | Police Foundations

Shay Hamilton is the chair of IGNITE’s Board of Directors for 2021-2022.
Here’s a look into what it takes to be the chair!
Hamilton chairs board meetings and ensures fair debates. This includes a balanced exchange of thoughts and ideas. In addition, Hamilton also attends financial and committee meetings and works to maintain communication with students.
Hamilton strives to provide effective leadership and management of the board’s affairs. Additionally, she ensures the board fulfils its responsibilities with complete transparency.
Sounds like something you’d be interested in? Keep reading!
Allisa Lim — Innovator of IGNITE’s free menstrual products initiative
Alumna | Humber College | Business Administration

You’ve seen the displays for free tampons and pads.
Other than thinking:
“Wow, it’s great that everyone can have access to menstrual products on campus!”
Have you ever wondered how this initiative came to be an IGNITE staple?
That’s right, IGNITE’s emergency menstrual products initiative was started by Alissa Lim during her time as a student and a member of IGNITE’s board and her work has remained part of student life since then.
Lim aimed to use this initiative to break down the stigma surrounding menstruation and menstrual products.
Thanks, Allisa Lim!
The IGNITE 2022-2023 election is upon us! And you have the power to make a difference by running for IGNITE’s Board of Directors.
If you’re a pro at organization and communication and are bursting with drive and ambitious ideas to make student life better then check out the election FAQ to learn more.
The nomination period opens on Monday, January 31st, 2022 at 9 a.m. Don’t delay! Get your nomination in before it closes on Friday, February 18, 2022 at 4 p.m.
Download the nomination package now and begin your campaign to be elected on the Board of Directors!
Want to be informed about the Humber and Guelph-Humber community? Learn how IGNITE being part of the College Student Alliance will benefit you.
Follow IGNITE on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for all things student life.