Make a difference.

IGNITE fosters a community where students are the leaders. Each year, it’s students who advocate for the positive changes we see on campus today.

This year, passionate students are aiming to become your next Board of Directors to continue making your campus a better one.

Not sure who to vote for yet? Get to know some of your North campus candidates and learn how they want to change YOUR life on campus:

Keithtian Green | Bachelor of Nursing | Third Year | Highgate, Jamaica

How do you plan on changing life on campus?

I will change and impact lives on campus by being an excellent facilitator between IGNITE and the students enrolled at Humber. I will listen to the ideas, interests, and concerns of my fellow students and work with IGNITE to ensure that major decisions reflect and represent the student body at large. I will act as an IGNITE ambassador in the Humber community and protect the welfare and interests of the students, both domestic and international.

From my time involved with on and off-campus communities, I understand Humber students’ concerns. It is important that IGNITE governance has a diverse board that reflects the students they serve. I aim to provide the diverse perspective of a female candidate, an undergraduate student, a nursing student, a Jamaican student, and an international student as a Board DirectorTo ensure that Humber continues to inspire lives, leadership, and purpose, I will be accountable to students in six key areas–student well-being, equity, leadership, transparency, fiscal responsibility, and engagement.

What’s a fun fact about yourself?

I love to do hair. Check out my Instagram: @kgshaircare

Sirene Qureshi | Paralegal Postgraduate | First Year | Toronto

How do you plan on changing life on campus?

To be a great leader one must be accountable for the students we serve. I would also want to promote the interests of the North Campus by seeking input and feedback from those studying here. By doing this, I would love to advocate as the ambassador of IGNITE. I plan to fulfill my commitment by being even more approachable. Another promise would be to evaluate key performance targets to meet the needs of Humber North.

Of course, I will also measure the board stated objectives to ensure that we are meeting the needs of the student body! I believe that more students should run with IGNITE because it is important to be a voice for others. We are only here for a short time and the friendships we make now will be our network for tomorrow.

What’s a fun fact about yourself?

I also plan to run for Canadian Federal Politics someday. I know all the elected officials of my riding and the current Prime Minister recognizes me when he sees me!

Eli Ridder | Advanced Journalism | First Year | Guelph

How do you plan on changing life on campus?

I am here to change the status quo. I am running to bring transparency to IGNITE, increase collaboration across campus, and be a director with integrity. I will be accountable to the students and the students only. I believe that I am the best person to represent you because, for me, it means putting you as the student first with everything I do on the Board of Directors. Join me and vote Eli Ridder. As your director, I will advocate for Real Action.

What’s a fun fact about yourself?

I am a news junkie….that’s fun, right?

*All candidates were provided an equal opportunity to submit answers.*

Want to learn more about your Board candidates? Check out all the candidates and their platforms!

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