Make a difference.

IGNITE fosters a community where students are the leaders. Each year, it’s students who advocate for the positive changes we see on campus today.

This year, passionate students are aiming to become your next Board of Directors to continue making your campus a better one.

Not sure who to vote for yet? Get to know your Lakeshore candidates and learn how they want to change YOUR life on campus:

Sabina Khannanova Global Business Management (Event Management) | Smolensk, Russia

How do you plan on changing life on campus?

I’d plan to enhance the best experience and generous help for students through these initiatives:

1. Dance out! Seeking talents 

I know Humber has a very diverse population and a lot of talents, someone’s good at singing, another one at dancing etc. So why don’t we combine all of that and make a real party? Shake stress off, rap and sing! The right music, great snacks and lots of fun will help you to fulfill the energy and get back to studying feeling refreshed!

3. Movie theatre

A movie/theatre night would a great opportunity to bring your friends/family together to have a good time!

4. Childcare 

Family and kids are a great part of life. Creating events for Humber students and their kids would bring more joy and cheerful moments for everyone.

5. Food & beverage

It’d be awesome to upgrade the free food options we have on campus. What about jerk chicken? Pasta? Pancakes? Burritos? Dumplings? IGNITE would get at least one Michelin star for the service and food quality! (jkStudents would enjoy the food at its best!

What’s a fun fact about yourself?

I remember when I was 17, I was working as a ticket inspector on the bus. I was so proud of that job, making my first teenager steps into an adult’s life. My shift started at 5 a.m and went until 11 p.m. Being a quite young conductress, I’ve seen a lot of great and real-life examples of interpersonal communication (especially at 6 a.m.). Since then, I keep working hard by showing more creativity and ability of multitasking. 

Aashi Jhunjhunwala | Bachelor of Creative Advertising | Third Year | India

How do you plan on changing life on campus?

Although college students are champions at budgeting, sometimes it’s beyond our control. Yes, I am talking about the required textbooks and other course materials. They can be expen$ive, and we already have too much on our plate; therefore, I will be exploring solutions for reducing the monetary impact of textbooks and course material cost in our budgets.

Usually, College campuses are every student’s second home. Therefore, I am advocating for making your on-campus life more comfortable and enjoyable by adding and expanding flexible, inclusive and collaborative places.

Lastly, but most importantly, FOOD. It is a topic that I don’t need to elaborate much on, as we all can relate. It’s hard, and the struggle is real; hence I am also advocating to work with the college to make food more accessible and affordable.

The things I am advocating for will be my top priorities, but that doesn’t mean I will be ignoring the rest of the problems. I want to be real with you and don’t want to make all sorts of commitments that I can’t keep up. I will do what I say, and that’s the commitment I will make.

What’s a fun fact about yourself?

I am a five-foot-tall human with the loudest laugh.

Shrikant KediyaMarketing Management | First Year | Asansol, West Bengal, India

Shrikant Kediya


How do you plan on changing life on campus?

The lives of every single student are important and valuable to me. I would enhance these lives by….

1. Giving Chances

Each individual deserves chances. Chances to express themselves, show themselves, risk themselves, explore themselves, and ultimately be themselves. By providing them with multiple opportunities through organizational partnerships, Events and one-to-one interactions, I will give them an opportunity for both personal and professional growth.

2. Better Food

Food is a human necessity and the food around our campus is expensive–isn’t it? Let me improve the current scenario for you by providing the quality and quantity of good food. No more hunger for you.

3. Inclusion in Governance

I want to give each one of you a chance to be a leader. Do you want to be one? You will get the opportunity to lead and be the person you always dreamt of being.

4. Financial Stability

Finances are a major concern amongst our student community. Let me take some of that burden off your shoulders.

5. Conflict Resolution

Have an issue? Let’s solve it. I plan to help students come through mediation with one on one sessions.

6. Respect

Respect yourself first and let us create an environment of respecting the diversity and uniqueness of everyone.

What’s a fun fact about yourself?

I love Bollywood dance.

Gabi Hentschke | International Development | Second Year | Ribeirão Preto, Brazil

How do you plan on changing lives on campus?

I hope to get students more interested and engaged in student governance by being part of the decision making process through transparency and dialogue. I also hope to start important conversations around sustainability on campus, possibly joining efforts with the Office of Sustainability. Another possible impact would be offering more financial assistance and scholarships focused on the needs of international students.

What’s a fun fact about yourself?

My kryptonite is sand. Only thinking about it gives me shivers.

*All candidates were provided an equal opportunity to submit answers.*

Want to learn more about your candidates? Check out all the candidates and their platforms!

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