“The best way out is always through.”
Robert Frost
It doesn’t matter how proficient you are, interviews can make anyone lose nerves. So, before you dive into the world of interviews, the first step is to take a deep breath.
Now that that’s done, it’s time to brush up on your professional social handles, such as LinkedIn and Indeed.
Jillian George, a Career Advancement Service (CAS) Coach at Humber, suggests listing your skills and qualifications that match the job posting. (Tip: Always save the job posting for positions you’ve applied to.)
You are now almost prepared for the big interview day.
The other two things you need are excellent communication skills and to demonstrate professionalism.
So, follow these tips to slay on your big day.
Before the job interview

Before your big day, you have a lot to figure out, so get started as soon as you can and make sure to have a sound sleep.
The first thing you can get started with is researching. It’s beneficial to know all about the company and the people you will be interviewing with.
“When researching the company, the applicant should know about future or upcoming developments in the business, their competitor, and their reputation in the industry,” George said.
She not only recommends researching the employer but also researching yourself so you know exactly the skills you bring to the employer.
Moreover, she advised to also research the type of questions that will arise for the specific position you are interviewing for as well as general questions. (Tip: Ensure the answer is targeted and specific to the position.)
“Practice, practice, practice! Book an appointment with a career coach, practice with a friend, practice in front of the mirror, so by the time you meet with the employer, you feel confident and comfortable answering their questions,” George said.
Also, don’t forget to check your technology if it is a virtual interview. And if it’s an in-person interview, look up the location beforehand and arrive 10-15 minutes early.
We also suggest not leaving anything to the last minute, so decide your interview outfit a few days before.
Interview day

First things first! Start your day by eating a healthy and good breakfast.
Now, dress up and keep multiple copies of your resume to present to your employer or anyone else who may pop by to interview you.
George recommends to “dress up one notch above the typical daily wear of the work environment” you are going into.
“Neutral colours such as navy, grey, black, and brown are acceptable. Stay away from bright colours, a lot of jewelry or perfume. You don’t want to distract from what you are saying,” she said.
During the interview, ensure you listen to the questions properly and speak accordingly. (Tip: Do not interrupt the interviewer while they are speaking.)
George advised answering the questions using the “STAR method” (situation, task, action, result) and being specific to the relevant skills you bring to the employer.
And lastly, make sure to put your phone on silent while you are giving your interview and keep it in your pocket or bag to avoid distraction.
After the job interview

Finally! The most challenging part is done. Now it’s time to reflect.
Make sure to follow up at least two days after the interview and “send a thank you note reiterating your skills to stand out from other applicants.”
“After the interview, review how you answered the questions, and make notes on areas you can improve on for the next interview,” George said.
You know your strong and weak points. So, make sure to learn from your mistakes and perform better in future opportunities.
Now you’re ready to slay!
Header photo courtesy of Edmond Dantès from Pexels.
Want to stand out in interviews? Practice these skills to be the best version of yourself.
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