Early career exploration sets you up for future success!

As you prepare to start the academic year in September – and for many, this is your first year of post-secondary – it’s important to start exploring career options early in your degree.

You’ve barely even started school yet and I’m already mentioning careers and jobs. I know, this can sound overwhelming, but let me break it down.

The first year of post-secondary is typically focused on helping students transition into the new academic environment that higher education presents. Getting involved on campus and building friendships are usually the top-chosen tips for blogs like this one. However, early career explorations can open a universe of possibilities for your future.

Understanding the various paths that your degree can lead you down, identifying your strengths and weaknesses and gaining experiences can align your personal and academic pursuits toward your desired career. Additionally, exploring career options provides you with the opportunity to test your passions and interests.

There are many steps you can take to wisely explore career options in your first year while making the most of your post-secondary experience. Here are some tips:

Do a self-assessment

Two people writing on a piece of paper near two laptops.
Picture by Scott Graham via Unsplash.

The journey to finding the right career begins with understanding yourself. Identifying your interests, values and skills will help you achieve career satisfaction. But, before you start asking yourself “What am I good at?” or “What career is right for me?,” it’s essential to understand the purpose of self-assessments.

Feeling uncertain about which career path to take is common among students. That’s why starting with a self-assessment of your strengths, weaknesses and passions is crucial. A self-assessment helps you recognize your best skills and preferences and suggests career options that are more likely to match your needs.

Moreover, self-assessments offer feedback about yourself, which often leads to understanding the areas where you can improve. This encourages independent learning and enhances your overall learning outcomes.

Explore some of the best career and self-assessment tests to get an idea of the careers you should explore. There are also on-campus resources to help you with your career aspirations. The Humber Advising & Career Services offers insightful advice for developing strategies and career skills.

Gain practical experience

A group of people working together while a man explains using a whiteboard.
Picture by Austin Distel via Unsplash.

One of the best ways to understand which career options might suit you is by actually trying them out! I know this is easier said than done, but there are options to gain practical experience during your first year of post-secondary.

For the most part, students don’t have enough experience to secure an internship or co-op in their first year. But, volunteering and participating in extracurricular activities can give you a valuable glimpse into your industry. Taking on a leadership role at the helm of a club or volunteering on campus offers many benefits. Volunteer experiences can expand your network and help you gain hands-on career experience.

If you’re looking for opportunities to explore career options in your first year, consider applying to work at your student union or check out Humber Career Connect for other on-campus opportunities.

Connect with industry professionals and graduates

People gathering for a presentation.
Picture by Evangeline Shaw via Unsplash.

Reaching out to graduates of your program or professionals currently working in the field is an excellent way to get an inside scoop on career options in your industry.

These individuals can provide you with valuable insights into various career paths available with your degree and offer advice to help you determine which area might be the best fit for you. Moreover, they can potentially become mentors, guiding you as you progress in your career.

Update your LinkedIn profile and start networking there. Connect with industry professionals and schedule coffee chats to ask all the questions you have. Humber College also frequently hosts workshops where you can develop skills such as note-taking and time management while connecting and networking with other peers.

Learn how to master informational interviews and use them to score a great position!

Build a relationship with your professors

Students sitting on chairs in a classroom while the professor explains in front of a chalkboard.
Picture by Shubham Sharan via Unsplash.

If you want to gain confidence in networking before reaching out to people you don’t know, you can start by building relationships with your professors. They are, in fact, the first people from your field that you’ll meet.

Even if your professors aren’t currently working in the industry, they possess hands-on experience and knowledge to share with you. They’ve likely witnessed industry changes and held different positions over the years. Your professors understand what employers are looking for and probably have connections within the industry.

So, from day one of classes, connect with your professors and share your networking and career exploration goals for your first year. They will certainly guide you on the right path.

Four people looking at a MacBook.
Picture by Mimi Thian via Unsplash.

These tips will help you broaden your career options and discover your passions in your first year of post-secondary. Remember, it’s never too early to start exploring your career options. Beginning this journey of self-assessment and career exploration now can put you a step ahead of your classmates and industry competitors when it comes time to apply for internships, co-ops or job opportunities.

If you’re a senior student and have additional advice for your first-year peers, let us know @shareignite.

Feature image courtesy of Saulo Mohana via Unsplash.

Are you already starting to put up a portfolio together? Check out our guide to creating the perfect portfolio!

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