A meeting that will help you learn more and enhance your student experience!
Enjoying your student life and taking advantage of the services offered on campus are just a few of the many perks of being a post-secondary student. There’s always an event going on or an activation to make your student experience the best it can be.
However, being a student also comes with responsibilities – and I’m not just talking about assignments and group projects. Being in post-secondary education offers opportunities to engage in leadership roles, such as joining a club, serving as an academic program representative and holding your student union accountable. Yes, you heard that right – you have a voice in shaping our services.
Every year, IGNITE hosts the Special Meeting of the Members (SMOM), an online event where you – Humber Polytechnic and University of Guelph-Humber students – can learn more about our achievements, bylaw changes and financial statements.
Attending SMOM is highly beneficial for your student life, as you have the opportunity to voice your opinion on our services.
Here are the benefits of attending IGNITE SMOM:
Meet your new student leaders

Back in March, during the IGNITE Election, Humber and UofGH students chose their representatives for the 2024-2025 academic year.
The 10 newly elected members of the IGNITE Board of Directors will be introduced during the Special Meeting of the Members, offering you the opportunity to learn more about the students who will be representing you throughout the school year.
The board serves as the bridge between you and IGNITE. They are responsible for setting IGNITE’s strategic direction and approving all the major decisions that shape how the student union represents and supports students.
Getting to know and connecting with the board is essential to enhancing your student life. And, by attending the IGNITE SMOM, you’ll get to meet the people who are working on your behalf.
See the impact we had last year

You’ve likely heard the saying, “We study the past to understand the present and build a better future.” IGNITE believes feedback and analysis are crucial to improving your student life.
During the event, we’ll be presenting the 2023-2024 IGNITE Impact Report. This report highlights the number of students who benefited from our services, our employee demographics, advocacy efforts and much more!
This event is the perfect opportunity for you to understand how we’ve grown over the past year and how these changes will impact your student life moving forward. It’s also an excellent opportunity to gain insight into how IGNITE operates and to provide your feedback on what you think could be improved.
Remember, IGNITE is run by students, for students, so your feedback is very – and always – necessary.
Financial transparency

Transparency is key, period. As a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the student life of Humber and UofGH students, it’s only fair that we share with our stakeholders – students – how we manage the funding we receive.
At SMOM, we’ll be showing our financial statements, breaking down how we allocate funds across different categories. This will give you a clear picture of how much money is spent on each of our services.
Being transparent, especially about our finances, is one of IGNITE’s core values. Understanding our financials not only helps you see how your student life is supported in various ways but also might help you discover services you didn’t know were available to you.
Learn more about IGNITE’s services

Throughout the year, our front desk assistants often hear comments like, “I didn’t know there was a Sleep Lounge” or “I had no idea I could have used the IGNITE Health & Dental Insurance plan.”
IGNITE offers so many services that it’s easy to overlook some of them. By attending SMOM, you can discover more about the services we provide that many students aren’t even aware of, such as the Learning Essentials Support or the GLOW Bursary.
During your post-secondary journey, it’s essential to take advantage of all the resources available to you. So, don’t miss out!
Win big, literally

If you know IGNITE well enough, you probably guessed there’s no way we’re hosting an event without a giveaway. And you’re right – we’re nothing if not consistent.
By attending SMOM, you won’t just learn more about our services and improve your student life; you’ll also be entered into a raffle for a MacBook giveaway. Make sure you stick around until the end to be eligible for an entry.

These are some of the reasons why attending the IGNITE Special Meeting of the Members is essential for your student life. So, invite your peers and make sure you attend this important event!
SMOM is taking place on Wednesday, Sept. 25, at 10:30 a.m. – and remember, this is an online event!
If you’ve participated in the Special Meeting of the Members before, share your experience with us @shareignite.
Feature image courtesy of IGNITE.
Want to discover other IGNITE services? Check out our inside guide on IGNITE’s resources!
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