Grab your coffee as we explore the best learning style for you!

As education evolves, so do our ways of learning. You could be sitting in your bed wearing your cozy hoodie while attending a Zoom lecture or feeling all excited to talk about your weekend adventures with your classmates in person. Both setups have their own vibe.  

Whether you’re saving energy for a live discussion or completing your coursework online, each environment shapes your engagement in different ways. Each has its own benefits and challenges, so adjusting to the setting can help you stay productive and maybe enjoy the process a bit more.

Let’s understand how these setups impact your studies and why hybrid learning might just offer the best of both worlds.  

Benefits of in-person learning

A group of men are raising their hands in class.

There’s something so energizing about physically being in a classroom. For starters, face-to-face interactions with your professors and classmates can make learning feel more personal and dynamic.  

Imagine your professor cracking jokes about a certain topic (which happens a lot) or your friend giving an outstanding presentation in class (and you can’t control your laughter), being there in person makes those moments more memorable.  

The environment of in-person classes can also help keep you on track. With set class times and physical deadlines, it’s like having a schedule that keeps you focused and away from distractions (close that Netflix tab right now).  

Challenges of in-person learning 

A woman is driving a car with the words "PLEASE, NO TRAFFIC" written below in bold.

While in-person classes have their perks, they also come with certain challenges that can affect engagement. For one, the commute can be a real drag. Whether it’s battling traffic or squeezing into a crowded bus, getting to class can sometimes feel like a whole workout itself.  

Large class sizes can also impact how engaged you feel. When you’re one of a hundred students in a lecture hall, it’s easy to feel like just another face in the crowd. With less individual attention and fewer chances to participate, it can be hard to stay involved.  

Additionally, the class schedule might not always align with your natural routine. If you’re not a morning person, dragging yourself to an 8 a.m. class might feel like torture! 

The perks of virtual learning 

A man is excitedly working on his laptop.

One of the coolest things about virtual learning is its flexibility. You can attend lectures in your comfy sweatpants and your commute is as short as rolling out of bed (and then straight back to the bed). This flexibility means you can juggle studies with work, family or even a side hustle, without needing a teleportation device. 

Online learning also comes with multiple digital resources. Imagine having a virtual library, interactive tools and multimedia content right at your fingertips. Want to rewatch that long lecture about thermodynamics? Just hit record and you’re good to go.

You can also access forums and discussion boards where you can easily chat with classmates and instructors to clear your doubts.  

Challenges of staying engaged in virtual learning 

A woman is running out of a corridor with the words "THE WIFI IS OUT" written below in bold letters.

Virtual learning is amazing in many ways, but it also comes with struggles. Without physical presence, it’s easy to feel disconnected from your classmates and professors. You might find yourself missing those small but meaningful interactions that happen in an in-person classroom. 

Technical issues can also throw a wrench into your engagement. Whether it’s a glitchy connection or problems with your microphone (we’ve all been there), tech troubles can disrupt your learning experience and make it harder to concentrate.

Moreover, the self-paced nature of virtual learning requires a lot of discipline. With the freedom to set your own schedule comes the challenge of managing your time effectively. It’s easy to procrastinate, which can impact your overall academic performance. 

Finding the balance with hybrid learning 

A man saying the words "PERFECT BALANCE"

What if you didn’t have to choose between virtual and in-person learning? Let’s welcome hybrid learning! A blend of both worlds that aims to keep you engaged no matter your preferred style. Hybrid models let you experience the best of both learning styles; you get the flexibility of online learning combined with the interactive and the personal touch of in-person classes. 

With hybrid learning, you might attend some classes in-person while accessing online resources for others. This flexibility allows you to mix up your routine and keep things interesting. Plus, having the option to participate in both virtual discussions and face-to-face interactions can make the learning experience richer and more diverse.  

Hybrid learning also allows you to use technology to enhance your in-person experience. Tools like online forums and digital collaboration make group projects feel less like a nightmare and more like a team mission. So, you get to stay engaged and interact with your classmates even when you’re not in the same room. 

A man is excitedly saying the words "LET'S GET TO LEARNING!"

When it comes to virtual versus in-person learning, each has its own set of strengths and challenges that impact student engagement.

By combining these approaches through hybrid learning, we can create an engaging and adaptable educational experience that meets diverse needs. So, whether you’re navigating the halls of your campus or attending lectures from your couch, remember that each learning environment has something unique to offer. 

Humber Polytechnic and the University of Guelph-Humber blend hands-on, practical experiences with innovative digital tools. This means you get the flexibility to learn from home while still having face-to-face classes when needed. This approach helps students balance their studies with work and other commitments. Interactive online content and engaging in-person sessions are great ways to get the most out of your education, allowing you to connect with classmates and professors, no matter where you are!

So, in a battle of virtual versus in-person learning, the winner is? Both together!

Explore the method that works best for you and keep those grades up!

Featured image courtesy of  Thought Catalog via Unsplash.

Are you a first-year student navigating academic expectations? Check out how to manage academic expectations in your first year of post-secondary!

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