Turn your college experience from a tedious journey to an epic quest!  

A warm welcome to all those who have started their post-secondary journey with Humber Polytechnic and the University of Guelph-Humber! But hold on, before you get lost in a sea of textbooks and caffeine, there’s a whole world full of extracurricular activities waiting to be explored.

Imagine stumbling upon a group of people who share your obsessions or help you discover your hidden talents — like solving a Rubik’s cube while you’re blindfolded, you never know! While you’re busy walking across the mountain of assignments, don’t forget to dive into the amazing world of on-campus clubs and activities that are just waiting for you! Think of them as the secret tool to your academic success.  

Here’s how to make the most of them and have fun along the way:  

The benefits of joining extracurricular activities

A woman is holding a jar and the words "Smells like opportunity" are written below.

Extracurriculars are one of the most important parts of student life as they come with multiple benefits, such as personality development and social opportunities. They’re also a wonderful platform for developing different skills. They can make you a better communicator, organizer and even a leader. 

Participating in different activities will also help you connect with people who share your passions and interests. And, who knows? Those people might end up becoming your best friends for life! 

Engaging in activities outside of your studies can be a great stress reliever as well and give you a sense of accomplishment.  

Balancing extracurriculars with academics 

A cat is typing rapidly on a laptop keyboard.

The classic struggle of every student is juggling a social life, club activities and a big pile of assignments all at the same time. Remember that time management is the key. You can use planners, apps or the good old-fashioned sticky notes method to keep track of deadlines and meetings. That way, you don’t have to store every little detail in that day-dreaming head of yours. 

But also make sure your extracurriculars don’t overshadow your studies. After all, you can’t spell “extracurricular” without “academic” (well, you can, but you get my point). 

I know it’s tempting to sign up for everything that sounds cool at first, but remember that it’s important to keep quality over quantity. You don’t need to be a jack-of-all-trades and a master of none. It’s better to focus on particular tasks that you find interesting rather than trying to manage them all at once.  

Leadership opportunities and personal growth

A woman is saying the words "This is your moment to shine"

Extracurricular activities act as a solid bridge to enhance leadership roles and personal growth. Whether it’s running for president of your club or leading a project, taking on a leadership role can be a major boost to your confidence and skills.  

It’s a huge step toward personal development and making new connections, which will definitely help you in every aspect of life.  

Everything might not go as planned, but that’s OK! Every misstep is a lesson in disguise (and it also makes for a great story to tell your friends later on). 

Networking and career development 

A man is standing around women and the words "I'm trying to talk to everyone" are written below.

Networking through extracurricular activities is like making connections while having a great time. Don’t be shy and have conversations with your peers, mentors and guest speakers. Talk to everyone and you’ll definitely learn something new each day. These connections can open new doors and offer opportunities down the line. 

Plus, you can use your extracurricular involvement to show off your skills and dedication on your resume or in interviews. Think of it as self-improvement with a side of fun! 

Also, make sure to stay in touch with the people in your network even after you’ve graduated. It’s a small world and you never know when a former club member might be your future colleague. 

IGNITE Clubs, Election and events

A big group of students are sitting together in a hall.
Picture by IGNITE

IGNITE is here to add excitement to your daily academic routine! You can get involved by joining or starting a club that matches your passions. Whether you’re into board games, dancing, anime, art and craft or celebrating diverse cultures, there’s something for everyone. 

Not just that, the IGNITE Election takes you into a whole different world. You can jump into campus life by running for a spot on the Board of Directors or supporting a candidate who shares your advocacy priorities. 

Also, don’t miss out on these exciting events coming up! Gather your friends and get ready for an unforgettable evening at the IGNITE Concert on Oct. 10! Then, unleash your creativity at the IGNITE Happy Painter event on Oct. 29, where you can let your creativity run free on the canvas. Make sure to mark your calendar for both events and get ready for a fantastic time! 

A group of people stacking hands and cheering.

From workshops to social gatherings, events are a fantastic way to broaden your perspectives and have fun. Extracurricular activities aren’t just about keeping you busy, they’re an important opportunity to grow, connect with others and create lasting memories.  

For those of you coming from different countries or away from your parents, it’s completely normal to feel a bit overwhelmed or intimidated at first. Remember, everyone here was in your shoes at some point and it’s OK to take one step at a time. 

I understand it’s tough to balance your commitments at times, but it’s all part of the experience. This is your chance to explore new interests, build meaningful relationships and make your student life truly memorable. 

So, step out of your comfort zone, get involved and take full advantage of all that IGNITE, Humber and UofGH have to offer. Ignite your passion, meet new people and enjoy every moment of your student life. 

Good luck to you all! You’ve got this and your future self will surely thank you for it! 

Feature image courtesy of Huynh Nguyễn via Unsplash.

Want to join a club but don’t know if it’s worth it? Check out the benefits of joining an IGNITE club!

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