Heads up! With opportunities left and right, the school year is looking bright.

The novelty of starting a new page is always a thrilling opportunity as it brings new things to look forward to. For students, starting a new semester is a time to reinvent themselves and equip their strengths arsenal. This makes new beginnings a monumental event! As the fall semester begins, it signals a new wave of excitement for new Humber Polytechnic and University of Guelph-Humber students to explore their potential.

As the old Latin proverb goes, “Vox populi, vox dei,” the voice of the people is the voice of the gods. In the spirit of setting the tone for the new academic term, IGNITE has set out to find out what students are most looking forward to this year – here’s what they had to say.

The program and curriculum

Diversity is a word that Humber takes seriously. With over 100 programs offered at Humber, there surely is an avenue for harnessing every passion and curiosity. This is shared by your peers as they look forward to the beginning of classes.

Jazmine De Sousa, an incoming student in the theatre production program, expressed her anticipation of starting her college studies. As an arts and crafts enthusiast, De Sousa is especially interested in making creative clothes for the stage and learning all about its technicalities.

“I’m very excited to basically do everything in the program. It’s a very good hands-on program. I’m really excited to do the costuming,” De Sousa said.

Humber student Jazmine De Sousa smiles at the camera as she does a two-thumbs-up pose.
Picture by Michelle Marasigan.

This sentiment is echoed by Bhavya Singh, who is starting her first semester of the addictions and mental health graduate certificate. She can’t wait for classes to begin.

“I’m looking forward to my curriculum. I don’t want to sound too nerdy and all, but I am way too much of an enthusiast toward the course I have chosen and the curriculum I’m going to be doing,” Singh said.

Singh also mentioned that what made Humber so appealing was its lineup of faculty members who had experience in the field and showed sincerity towards the curriculum.

Humber student Bhavya Singh smiles as she sports a red blouse and a round pair of glasses.
Picture by Michelle Marasigan.

Campus activities

Extracurricular activities are a way to spice up your student life! It offers a nice break from all those concepts your head has been wrapped around. Plus, it provides different skills such as teamwork and socialization – all great competencies for the workplace!

Malachi Jones, a first-year student in the social service worker diploma program, mentioned that he is most looking forward to experiencing all the new activities hosted by IGNITE.

“I guess it would be experiencing all the new activities that IGNITE hosts. I saw it on the website, and I’ve seen on YouTube the past events. And just walking down here, I see fliers for different events coming up,” Jones said.

Jones also enjoyed IGNITE’s Speed Friending during the orientation at the Lakeshore campus, where he was able to meet new people.

“It was good! We played on the claw machines. It didn’t go well for me, though,” he said, smiling. Best of luck next time, Jones!

Humber student Malachi Jones holds a plate of waffles on his left hand and a fork on his right hand, as he looks up.
Picture by Michelle Marasigan.

Making new friends

School is a great place to form new friendships and deepen connections. A study has shown that friendships in the academic setting can contribute to academic success. With the inevitable stress of deadlines ahead, a support group that understands the same struggles as you helps to lighten the load.

Malav Prajapati, a first-year bachelor in behavioural science student, is looking forward to meeting his classmates. Aside from the college events, he can’t wait to meet new friends in the classroom.

“I haven’t met them since I came to college, so I’d like to know them,” Prajapati said.

Humber student Malav Prajapati smiles as she sports a striped shirt and a pair of glasses.
Picture by Michelle Marasigan.

Marketing management student Kayden Tran is also looking forward to linking up with new people.

“I want to expand my networks and, of course, I want to meet more friends,” Tran said.

As an international student, Tran also said he prioritizes a welcoming atmosphere.

“I chose Humber because of the reputation. It’s really friendly to the LGBTQ+ community,” he added.

Humber’s commitment to building a vibrant and inclusive definitely shines through. Built within the school system is the LGBTQ+ Resource Centre which ensures that the campus is safe and inclusive for every student.

Humber student Kayden Tran smiles as she sports a black top and a black pair of sunglasses.
Picture by Michelle Marasigan.

Professional growth

The secret to success is a growth mindset. There is no better time to invest in yourself than in school, ensuring you are set for your career and ready to make a difference in your industry.

Cristina Valencia, an advertising and art direction student in her first semester, expressed her eagerness to “learn new things and grow professionally.” Also an international student, Valencia enjoys what Humber offers, which has given her a space to widen her expertise as she paves the way for her career in an international setting.

Valencia is currently in her second program. She graduated from the post-production program at the North campus and is now exploring the Lakeshore campus for her second graduate certificate.

Humber student Cristina Valencia smiles as she holds a bubble tea and a plushie with both hands.
Picture by Michelle Marasigan.

The students’ voices have been heard, and many exciting things await at the school year’s doorstep. From new friends to new experiences, there’s a lot in store for our community. One thing everyone can look forward to is the annual IGNITE Contest, where you have the chance to win $1,000 each month!

The new school year is beaming with possibilities. IGNITE wishes you an amazing new school year ahead!

Feature image courtesy of IGNITE.

IGNITE is your best friend in navigating the school year! Check out this 101 guide on IGNITE’s resources available!

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