Think about what you really need.

If you’ve ever scrolled on apps, like TikTok or Instagram, for hours on end, then we wouldn’t be surprised if you were influenced to buy stuff that you didn’t really need. Whether it’s a new makeup product, a Stanley water bottle or mini uggs, it seems that different products are constantly being flaunted in our faces.

It’s time to stop the cycle. A current trend surfacing around TikTok is called “de-influencing.” The de-influencing trend fights back against social influencers spreading a narrative that promotes overconsumption.

What is de-influencing?

Instead of social influencers creating videos telling you to “buy this product,” many influencers are opting for the method of de-influencing. For example, in a video created by the user @livvvmarkley she talks about products that she bought due to trends on TikTok. Instead of telling you to buy this product, she tells you to not buy into the hype and why.


I I could talk about so many products I’ve tried and didn’t like. Let me know if I should make this a series. #QuakerPregrain #skincareyoudontneed #deinfluencing #skincare #skintok

♬ original sound – spedupsongsnlyrics
Video via @livvvmarkley on TikTok


You should look at this trend as a way to change your mind about becoming influenced and instead consider a minimalist approach to shopping. This trend should make you stop for a moment and think. It gives you an opportunity to consider the costs and benefits before purchasing a product.

The main question you should ask yourself is “do I really need this?” It can be great to purchase new makeup or clothes online and receive that instant gratification from getting a package. But the issue is you may not really need the product.

For example, let’s say a face wash is trending on TikTok with multiple influencers telling you to purchase it. You’re intrigued, but you already have a face wash that works great. Instead of buying it right away, consider saving that face wash in your notes and if you’re still interested once you’ve finished your already-owned face wash, then try something new.

Video via @overcoming_overspending on TikTok

De-influencing downfalls

Although the whole point of the de-influencing trend is to stop you from overconsumption, it may be doing the opposite. Many of the videos tagged as #deinfluencing are still influencing products. Take for example this video, where the user @alyssastepanie tells the audience to not buy one product, but to buy a different one at a cheaper cost.

Video via @alyssastepanie on TikTok

This mindset may help you save money, but it is still encourages purchasing items that you may not need.

Think about your purchases

Winnie the pooh tapping his head with text that says "think."
Image via giphy

With that being said, we hope that this trend will help you think twice about purchasing something from a TikTok trend. Of course, its okay to buy products that you want from time to time. However, there is no need to buy everything that appears on your “for you page.” Next time you’re about to make an online shopping purchase, use the de-influencing method to see if it’s worth it.

As summer approaches, you have more free time. Spend your time wisely by volunteering!

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