Each day is a new chance to change your life — start it off right.

Affirmations are short statements and quotes used as sources to boost self-worth. These statements are very useful when you need extra daily motivation to begin the day ahead.

Whether you are having a hard time with your mental health or just need something to boost your confidence, some morning affirmations may help you in this process.

Positive affirmations can shift the way you think and have an impact on the attitude you have toward your day, enhancing your education, health and relationship outcomes.

How affirmations boost your mental health

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Research has shown that affirmations are a powerful technique to alter the brain’s response to daily stressors. A study published by the National Institutes of Health found that self-affirmations increase brain activity and self-valuation thoughts when reflecting on the future.

That’s why when you say or write affirmations, you’re actually changing the way you think. This practice greatly impacts your mental health and can help during stressful times or when experiencing negative self-talk; uplifting your self-esteem and overall health.

Mindful affirmations

'You Look Beautiful' text in a mirror
Picture by Cate Bligh via Unsplash.

There are several types of affirmations to brighten up your day. Whether you want to boost your mood, get encouraged to begin a project or assignment or a reminder to give yourself some self-love, you can find affirmations that speak to you for your daily life.

Here are some of the most used affirmations that you can repeat every morning:

“The only courage you ever need is the courage of your own life.”

Oprah Winfrey
  1. I am a strong, capable person.
  2. I am worthy of receiving good things and accomplishing my goals in life.
  3. I am proud of myself and will continue to strive to do well.
  4. Today, I will do my best.
  5. I won’t settle for anything else than I deserve.
  6. I am living my life without fear.
  7. Everything is always working out for me.
  8. I am loved and worthy.
  9. I am allowed to ask for what I want and what I need.
  10. “I am in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing,” says Louise Hay in her book You Can Heal Your Life.
  11. I am open to healing.
  12. I am in charge of how I feel and I choose to feel happy.
  13. I am content and free from pain.
  14. “The perfect moment is this one,” from the author of Mindfulness for Beginners, Jon Kabat-Zinn.
  15. Everything I want wants me more and I am so lucky.

Ways to incorporate affirmations in your daily routine

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If you are a visual person, try writing your affirmations on sticky notes and put them in places you see the most, like your mirror or vision board.

For those more drawn to mindfulness, take some time to memorize your favourite affirmations and include them in your next meditation or write them in your journal every morning. Some apps like Headspace, which you can try with a student plan, are helpful when starting your journey to improve your mental health.

Personally, I like to read a couple of affirmations from my phone’s notes every morning while commuting to school or work. If you make it a routine, you will see how your life completely changes, as mine has. I used to be very insecure about myself, but mindfulness and affirmations changed how I felt toward myself and how others saw me.

In need of extra motivation?

Dog saying self-affirmations Gif

In case you need an extra push to achieve everything you want, thousands of podcasts and TED Talks might help you take that big leap.

I have been praising myself every once in a while with the video “Make It Count” by Casey Neistat. With confidence, I can say this video motivated me to take one of the major risks in my life, moving to another country — Canada — by myself to pursue my dreams.

“If you really think small, your world will be small. If you think big, your world will be big.”

Paulo Coelho
'The Office' Party Gif

Try some affirmations for yourself and see the difference it will have in your day-to-day life. You can always personalize your affirmations to whatever resonates with you and your goals.

Once you create a change from the inside, it will reflect on the outside, and everything you want will get to you.

If you have any affirmation that you praise yourself every day, share it with us @shareignite.

Feature image courtesy of sydney Rae via Unsplash.

Looking for other ways to enhance mindfulness? Check out our list of group activities to boost your mental health!

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