Are you ready to take the lead?

Leadership skills are surely one of the most important aspects of life, but you don’t need to become a professional in order to influence the people around you.

Whether you are a student or volunteering your time in any capacity, leadership can help you excel in both your personal life and career path. It’s not just about being in charge; a true leader has the ability to inspire others, foster collaboration and navigate through difficulties.

But, leadership is not something you can comprehend immediately, it is a lengthy process of trial and error to find what style suits you the most. That being said, great leaders grow by continuously assessing their strengths, setting objectives and throwing themselves out there.

Even though real-life consequences can be painful, why don’t we take a shortcut by practicing leadership skills on campus? After all, the school has everything you need like the tools, resources and experiences that will allow you to test yourself.

Let’s wait no more, here are five resources from the school to practice your leadership skills:

Find a mentor

A gif of Daniel developing his leadership skills with Mr.Miyagi.


A good mentor can have a significant impact on a person. If you watch the Karate Kid franchise – both the original and remake versions – you will understand what I mean. The right mentor changes you for good and pushes you to go beyond your limits.

Sounds awesome, right? But finding the right mentor requires you to understand yourself. Know whether you need an aggressive person who tells you what to do or a compassionate person with a gentle approach. Once you know what you want, you will figure out the right mentor for you.

Picture of Humber Café invite.

VIA Humber Café

Normally, the best way to establish a mentorship relationship is through directly asking. But, you can do that with Humber Café, a platform for Humber College and the University of Guelph-Humber students, recent grads and alumni to connect and share their advice and experience.

Practice a sport

Picture of a Humber Hawks women's volleyball game with Keyome Ellis celebrating a point.
Photo by Diego Guillen via Humber Hawks.

Team sports and business organizations share many similarities. And when you think about it, the winning team is not the one that has the most superstars, but rather one that values teamwork, responsibility and achieving predetermined goals.

Aside from formal leadership positions like head coaches and team captains, everyone can actively become a leader themselves. For example, a soccer player can motivate other players to practice shooting to increase their accuracy over time. It can even be as simple as being disciplined, dedicated, and resilient.

If you are interested in trying out for the school team, visit the Humber Hawks website for more information regarding schedules for different sports. If you just want to play for fun, they also have intramural tournaments and drop-in hours for students, staff and faculty.

Join a club

Picture of a girl wearing mask saying hi to the camera.


Joining a club (or creating one) is probably one of the easiest ways to develop your leadership skills on campus.

While in a club, you can collaborate with other students to tackle important issues, gain experience in decision-making and resolve conflicts through negotiation. Moreover, you will also meet people who share the same passion as you, creating a long-lasting friendship that offers support, encouragement and understanding throughout your post-secondary journey.

You can create your own club or find the right fit for you from these 40+ clubs here.

Sign up for volunteering

Picture of volunteers wearing pink shirt demonstrating leadership initiatives

VIA Humber College

Volunteering is an excellent way to enhance your leadership skills while making a positive impact on others.

Volunteering can advance your career. Some volunteer positions even offer hands-on experience in your area of interest, which can then be added to your resume. And it allows you to practice workplace skills such as communication, problem-solving and teamwork.

Picture of three volunteers and the University of Guelph-Humber mascot.

VIA Harry Nguyen

There are also some surprising benefits behind the act of giving back to the community. It can reduce stress, combat depression, keep you mentally stimulated, and provide a sense of purpose just to name a few.

You can check on the Humber College website to look for volunteer opportunities.

Attend workshops and conferences

Picture of people discussing leadership topics.


A lot of people have begun their career journey by attending various networking conferences and leadership workshops.

Conferences and workshops allow you to stay up-to-date with the latest information and mingle with fellow people who share the same mindset. They also expose you to different perspectives and experiences from leaders who have expertise in their field.

To check out what events are happening, you can visit Humber College’s Advising & Career Services website for more information.

All in all, the campus offers an enriching experience that goes beyond academics. It equips you with valuable life skills such as leadership, making sure you are well-prepared for your future career.

Remember, we will always support you, even when you graduate. So, let us know about your leadership and career journey through our Instagram @shareignite.

Featured image via IGNITE.

Are you a mature student? Discover these six amazing resources designed just for you.

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