Providing financial support to exemplary students!

After a month of reviewing nearly 200 applications, IGNITE is happy to announce the five recipients of the 2024 IGNITE Pride Scholarship!

We would like to thank all the applicants who took the time to apply. And, to those who attended the Humber Pride Flag raising ceremony and the Post-Pride Picnic, we extend our gratitude to you. Thank you!

The IGNITE Pride Scholarship is part of the IGNITE Equity Scholarships group – Black Excellence ScholarshipIndigenous Scholarship and the Pride Scholarship. One of the pillars of your student union is the commitment to fostering a post-secondary environment that champions diversity and inclusivity.

Through our annual Pride Scholarship, we aim to alleviate some of the unique challenges that the members of the 2SLGBTQ+ community face. Every year, we recognize five Humber College and University of Guelph-Humber students, who are part of the community and have demonstrated exemplary leadership and community involvement, with $1000.

We are so proud to announce the five recipients of this year. Drum roll, please…:

  • Joshwin Sequeira (He/Him)
  • Bruno Pio (He/Him)
  • Moh Kabra (They/Them)
  • Chandra Limiarja (He/Him)
  • Amber MacMillan (She/Her)

We got a chance to ask them some questions and here is what they had to share:

Joshwin Sequeira

A mug of coffee in pride colours.
Picture provided by Joshwin Sequeira.

When asked about his experience of being part of the 2SLGBTQ+ community, Sequeira had a lot to say.

“It hasn’t been the easiest to be a community member,” he admitted. Coming from a South Asian background and a strictly conservative country, Sequeira grew up being taught that being who he is was wrong.

Despite the challenges, Sequeira sought ways to help others and joined an organization that taught life skills to children afflicted with HIV.

“Teaching those kids science and math was one of the greatest experiences of my life,” Sequeira said.

Growing up, Sequeira was unable to express his true self. However, attending his first Pride in Toronto, he had a “surreal experience.” He says that being part of the 2SLGBTQ+ community is the most beautiful thing that there ever is.

“I nearly broke out in tears seeing the level of acceptance and support from everyone,” Sequeira said.

Bruno Pio

Mirror picture of Bruno Pio in the gym.
Picture provided by Bruno Pio.

Pio recognizes that receiving the Pride Scholarship acknowledges his dedication to advocating for the 2SLGBTQ+ community. However, Pio aspires for more.

He wants to see greater visibility of the 2SLGBTQ+ issues within the curriculum and more events celebrating the community’s diversity.

“Establishing mentorship programs and creating platforms for open dialogue can also help foster a more inclusive and understanding campus environment,” Pio added.

Moh Kabra

Headshot of Moh Kabra in a bus.
Picture provided by Moh Kabra.

Being a member of the 2SLGBTQ+ community has been an affirming journey for Kabra. They appreciate the safe space that has allowed them to express their true self. Kabra is proud to be part of the community and strives to build a future where everyone is loved, safe and celebrated for who they are.

Kabra receives the $1000 scholarship with an “immense privilege.” They aren’t only grateful for this recognition but also confident that with collective efforts people can make a meaningful impact to support the 2SLGBTQ+ community.

“It feels incredibly affirming to have my work recognized and supported – not to mention the financial boost that will allow me to dedicate more time and energy to creating positive change within the 2SLGBTQ+ community,” Kabra said.

Chandra Limiarja

Close-up picture of Chandra Limiarja.
Picture provided by Chandra Limiarja.

Limiarja reflects on the struggles of coming from a country that doesn’t accept the 2SLGBTQ+ community. Despite the visible joy and celebration during Pride Month, he points out that it’s not always like this.

“Behind the strong community seen today, there are many who didn’t survive their journey, and I could have been one of them. The 2SLGBTQ+ community is so inclusive and loving, and that’s why I cherish it deeply,” Limiarja said.

He says the scholarship is a validation of his efforts within the community. For Limiarja, it’s an “honour” to continue advocating and fighting for both his home country and Humber. He looks forward to seeing more advocacy efforts and opportunities for engagement within the 2SLGBTQ+ community.

“I also hope there will be initiatives to introduce the community to international students, helping them acclimate to Canadian society and welcoming their classmates who are members of the community,” Limiarja said.

Amber MacMillan

A headshot of Amber MacMillan.
Picture provided by Amber MacMillan.

MacMillan starts by saying that the Humber LGBTQ+ Resource Centre has been wonderful for connecting with new people. She emphasizes that being part of the community has been fantastic, recalling her involvement with the Gay Straight Alliance Club in her high school.

She says that receiving the scholarship won’t only support her financially in her studies, but she also can focus on her savings to create a business that’s inclusive to everyone.

“It [receiving the scholarship] means I can continue to study and attend the pride events on campus to continue making new connections and expand my knowledge and understanding of the community,” MacMillan said.

A close-up picture of the IGNITE Your Pride t-shirt.
Picture by IGNITE.

Congratulations once again to all our scholarship recipients and a heartfelt thank you to everyone who applied! IGNITE remains dedicated to supporting the 2SLGBTQ+ community and creating an environment where everyone feels safe, valued and loved.

And, remember, Pride Month is every month! Love knows no boundaries and comes in all colours, shapes and forms.

Check out our 2SLGBTQ+ Resources page to learn more about services available on and off campus.

Feature image courtesy of IGNITE.

Interested in learning more about 2SLGBTQ+ stories on campus? Check out Lara Pallonji’s path to self-acceptance and embracing her identity!

Follow us on YouTube, Instagram and TikTok for all things student life.