Congratulations Victoria Benetti, winner of the IGNITE Summer Contest $1000 grand prize!

What would make your summer semester unforgettable?

More virtual events? Scholarship opportunities?

How about $1000?

Well, IGNITE wants to give you all three.

Our job is to make your student life the best it can be. And, to do that, we need to know about the services you want and the supports you need most. If you fill out this short survey to tell us a bit about you, we’ll enter your name into our summer 2021 contest for a chance to win $1000!

The deadline to respond is Friday, July 30. Click the link above to register and grab your chance at a grand!

How to enter

The IGNITE Summer Contest closed on July 30th.

Rules & eligibility

  1. You must be a current Humber College or University of Guelph-Humber student.
  2. You must be enrolled in the Summer 2021 semester.
  3. Only one entry per student.

Start Date

May 10, 2021
12:00 AM

Contest Closes

July 30, 2021
11:59 PM
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