Soup Bar – Will be closed

We are here to help you have a soup-erb day with the reopening of the IGNITE Soupbar, in partnership with Humber College!

Soupbar is completely FREE, with grab-and-go hot and frozen containers of soup—perfect to take home and enjoy before your next assignment.

Zen Zone – Will be closed

You’re on our lively campus, where students are everywhere, and there’s always something happening. It’s exciting, no doubt, but it can also get a bit overwhelming. That’s where the Zen Zone comes in! It’s a quiet corner where you can take a break and calm your mind.

Pride Scholarship

IGNITE recognizes the unique challenges 2SLGBTQ+ members face, including social stigma and higher levels of financial insecurity. With this scholarship, IGNITE hopes to offer better support and alleviate some of the financial hardships disproportionately affecting this community.

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