Discover how painting can improve your mental health!
Who else has had those moments when life feels overwhelming and you just need to reconnect with yourself? This can be done through a self-care routine, meditation or even painting!
Engaging in any art form can help relieve stress from your routine and give your brain a much-needed break. Painting, in particular, is a fun distraction that helps quiet the noise and unwind.
Here are some of the best reasons why practicing painting nurtures a mindful mindset.
Improve your mood
One of the most significant benefits of painting is its ability to boost mental health.
According to Healthline, many studies have proven the positive effects of art therapy on people with mental illnesses like depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Taking part in an art activity can help you shift your focus away from your current struggles and onto something more positive. Just picture yourself with a paintbrush in your hands, music playing and zero worries for a few minutes. You already feel relaxed, right?
By slowing down through artistic activities, you can prevent burnout and recharge your energy!
Reduce stress levels
As simple as painting may seem, it has a greater effect on your body than you think.
Studies have shown that students who are exposed to art-making experiences have lower stress levels compared to those who aren’t.
Here’s why: stress goes hand in hand with cortisol, a hormone released when we are feeling stressed. Cortisol levels can be decreased by practicing relaxation techniques like painting.
When cortisol levels are low, your body gets a break from the constant “fight or flight” state, leading to lower blood pressure and heart rate.
Practice a new hobby
If you have been thinking about picking up a new hobby, this is the perfect opportunity! Go to your nearest store, grab a canvas, some paints and a brush and let your creativity flow.
If you’re a beginner, start with the basics—no need to replicate the Mona Lisa. For guidance, watch YouTube tutorials, take online courses or head to the IGNITE Happy Painter event on March 19 at the IGNITE Zen Zone.
Remember to focus on enjoying the process rather than the final result. What truly matters is spending quality time with yourself and letting go of stress. With practice, though, you’ll improve. The first step is to actually start!
Explore your creativity
Painting is a journey of self-discovery that allows you to get to know yourself better while activating the right side of your brain, the one that controls creativity, imagination and spatial awareness.
Artists call this space the “flow state,” where you’re literally going with the flow of your creativity—let’s say, you’re in the zone.
This process is deeply personal, so there’s no need to show your creation to anyone. But who knows? You might be really good at it.
Regardless of the outcome, painting boosts your self-esteem and helps develop a positive self-image, which is already a win. Just imagine how accomplished you’d feel after finishing a painting! Now, you can overcome any challenge.
Express your hidden emotions
Art can provide a safe space to express your feelings. Everything you can’t say out loud, you can put onto a canvas.
In fact, painting can be a very cathartic activity, especially when you are feeling sad or angry. Using painting as a coping mechanism helps you regulate your emotions and maintain a positive attitude.
A great way to utilize painting to record your thoughts and feelings is by starting an art journal. It works like a regular journal, but instead of writing, you use visuals to express yourself.
As you can see, painting is the perfect activity to improve your mental health, especially when exams and assignments start piling up. Practicing just 15 minutes of painting every day is enough to help you de-stress from a hectic routine.
And forget about perfection! The beauty of painting is that you can do whatever you want on the canvas. Don’t color inside the lines—be wild and play with your creativity. It can take you to amazing places.
Join us at the IGNITE Happy Painter event on March 19 at the Humber Polytechnic Lakeshore campus, K building basement, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Let your creativity flow while connecting with new people. Don’t miss out on this fun opportunity!
Feature image courtesy of IGNITE.
Looking for more ways to unwind? Check out these five group activities that can boost your mental health!
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