Monday is all about the hustle.

IGNITE wants to help you with your entrepreneurial hustle by giving you the platform you need to help grow your business. Apply today for a chance to be featured in our upcoming Hustle Mondays video series and share your business with your fellow Humber and UofGH community!

Please review the application guidelines and information regarding eligibility before filling out an application below!

So, what’s the hustle?

Hustle Mondays was created with you in mind. We want to provide an opportunity for the hundreds of entrepreneurs within the Humber and Guelph-Humber community a chance to showcase their student-run business. Whether you have just recently launched your business, or you’ve been running it for years, we want to hear from you!

What’s in it for me?

If selected, you will film a video with the help of our videographers, to be featured on our Instagram channel – a channel that reaches thousands of students and alumni on a daily basis. Plus, we will purchase your products or services to giveaway on our channel to help support your business and help you gain brand exposure. We want to get your name out there and help you grow your customer base. We know sometimes all it takes it the right outlet and we want to be the outlet.

How do I apply?

Applications to be featured in our Hustle Mondays video series are open from May 25 to June 4. You must be a current Humber or University of Guelph-Humber student or recent alumni who has graduated in the last two years. Please note, in order to qualify your business cannot be affiliated with any other company. For any further questions please email [email protected].

We want to support you and your business.

Good luck and keep hustling!

Start Date

May 25, 2021
12:00 AM

Contest Closes

June 4, 2021
11:59 PM
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