A small token of appreciation for yourself!

What makes a best moment? How do you experience your best moments? 

Best moments might mean something different to everybody. It might be waking up earlier a few days in a row, getting that grade you worked for or getting last-minute tickets to a sold-out concert! Best moments aren’t defined by one thing. Appreciating these best moments can be hard, especially if you don’t realize you’ve had a best moment.

Check out some advice on navigating your personal or academic goals and celebrating all your best moments. Stay awhile to learn about others’ best moments too! 

The craft of best moments

It’s that time in the semester when everything can get super stressful. You might have the last bit of class assignments slowly building up on your desktop or you might be filling your free days with extra shifts before the holidays—if you’re anything like me, at least. It can be super easy to get overwhelmed and spiral into some self-doubt very quickly during such a stressful time of the year. Creating and acknowledging your best moments can be a small token of appreciation for yourself.  

Some best moments that deserve some love:

  • Getting the last croissant at your favourite café.
  • Missing the morning traffic on your way to school.
  • Receiving a good grade that you didn’t expect.
  • Making a stranger’s day!
  • Being in bed before 10 p.m.
  • Landing a job interview.
  • Finding your new favourite podcast.

I think I struggle the most with appreciating things in life when I think the bad moments overpower the best ones. Journaling to remember the bad, great and best moments in my day-to-day life helps me remain humble and appreciative. I suggest journaling prompts such as short-term and long-term goals to achieve your best moments or short reflections on how bad or best moments made you feel. After all, it’s up to us and how we deal with what life throws at us!

Some best moments around campus

Picture by Alexa Mendez

“I was going to say receiving the Glow Bursary, but it was definitely when Taylor [Swift] brought Gracie [Abrams] on stage,” said Preeti Malhi, a fourth-year journalism student. 

Picture by Alexa Mendez

“I made a self-care bear a few weeks ago,” said Justice Perras, a first-year social work student. 

Picture provided by Shanygca Newman

“I guess my best moment was having that realization that I’m finally in the program that is for me. I love how I can be myself and step out of the box, my professors are amazing and really care about us,” said Shanygca Newman, a student in the advertising and art direction program.

Picture by Alexa Mendez

“I was featured in the dean’s newsletter recently,” said KC Cojaungco Asube, a third-year business digital management student. 

Some of my best moments

I’ve reflected a lot in the last couple of weeks on what 2024 was like for me. Inevitably, there were some harsh moments but I’m grateful for everything that’s come my way.  I landed a job here at IGNITE, I made it to the dean’s list and I met some of my forever friends over the summer. I also got to hold Billie Eilish’s hand for a total of eight seconds—yes I counted—and yes that’s my top best moment of 2024. 

I reread my journal from the last couple of months and it reminded me of so many amazing moments that I wouldn’t have remembered without taking the time to write about it. I wrote about going to the beach with my friends, getting coffee and pasta salads, about the downtown walks with my sister while we chatted away and about the small acts of kindness that I experienced with customers at my summer job. 

Sloth smiles from the movie, Zootopia.

My biggest takeaway, though, is that there are so many small, amazing moments that we don’t keep track of. This piece has redirected my perceptions of what an ordinary, average day brings. Everyone is getting through every day, with awful, bad, good or best moments. I can’t help but feel that we all have so much influence on how we can make not only our best moments but others’ best moments. 

Feature image by Count Chris via Unsplash.

Best moments can happen when you begin your day with a positive mind! Check out best affirmations to start your day!

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